I HATE! SEAGULLS! they are so annoying they steal food and are pests when you are sitting outside in say costa and they by dilldog101 and 1 other. to Alastair, Elaine, Sandra, Ted Category: General. Comments: (so far, 8 comments)
can you assure me that spending cuts will not have an impact on sports facilities in the region? by ianemm to Alastair, Elaine, Sandra, Ted Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on can you assure me that spending cuts will not have an impact on sports facilities in the region?)
What would you do to reduce pollution?? by murron and 2 others. to Alastair, Elaine, Sandra, Ted Category: Transport. Comments: (Comments Off on What would you do to reduce pollution??)
jesus Ted never said alot did he!!!!!!!! by bigtattiemunchermunchycrunch to Alastair, Elaine, Sandra Category: Youth issues. Comments: (So far, one comment)
Could you think about making the empty building near morrisons into a facilitie for the cummunity and divide it into by scarlet16 to Alastair, Elaine, Sandra, Ted Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on Could you think about making the empty building near morrisons into a facilitie for the cummunity and divide it into)
Do you like being a councillor by katsco20 to Alastair, Elaine, Sandra, Ted Category: About. Comments: (Comments Off on Do you like being a councillor)
How could you improve the Dock Park as it doesn’t have much? by jlvallance to Alastair, Elaine, Sandra, Ted Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on How could you improve the Dock Park as it doesn’t have much?)
how is the council helping the uninployed find a job? by hoops1888 to Alastair, Elaine, Sandra, Ted Category: General. Comments: (Comments Off on how is the council helping the uninployed find a job?)
Do you enjoy your job ? by rachel and 2 others. to Alastair, Elaine, Sandra, Ted Category: About. Comments: (Comments Off on Do you enjoy your job ?)
What is a typical day like for you? by katsco20 to Alastair, Elaine, Sandra, Ted Category: About. Comments: (Comments Off on What is a typical day like for you?)
Recent Comments
- as a teenager myself there is nothing to do or and shops and i usually drink every weekend becasue there is nothing to (1 comments)
- i wrote a poem for you elaine ……. its called ” sunset strip under the moonlight stars and wild berrys” here (1 comments)
- How will the spending cuts affect tennagers and their parents? (1 comments)
- do you love the bevy (1 comments)
- Why did you become interested in politics (1 comments)
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