I don’t provide employment directly, unfortunately, but I recently argued the case with the Scottish Government for the region to get its fair share of funding for apprentices (successfully I am pleased to say). I also want to see more investment in things like broadband and good information technology so that companies based in rural areas like ours can compete with the larger towns and cities.
The Council employs a lot of people, not specifically teenagers, though. DGFirst employs a lot of apprentices and I’ve been to a number of events where they are presented with their certificates. Education and the college work together to encourage school leavers to undertake further skills training.
It’s trying to persuade local firms to take on young people. The scottish government’s apprentice scheme has tried to make sure people are being trained for jobs that are there, which must have helped. No point in everyone learning how to be a hairdresser and there are not enough plumbers, for example.
I don’t provide employment directly, unfortunately, but I recently argued the case with the Scottish Government for the region to get its fair share of funding for apprentices (successfully I am pleased to say). I also want to see more investment in things like broadband and good information technology so that companies based in rural areas like ours can compete with the larger towns and cities.
The Council employs a lot of people, not specifically teenagers, though. DGFirst employs a lot of apprentices and I’ve been to a number of events where they are presented with their certificates. Education and the college work together to encourage school leavers to undertake further skills training.
It’s trying to persuade local firms to take on young people. The scottish government’s apprentice scheme has tried to make sure people are being trained for jobs that are there, which must have helped. No point in everyone learning how to be a hairdresser and there are not enough plumbers, for example.