I can’t give you that assurance unfortunately as it will be a matter for Dumfries and Galloway Council. The problem for the council is the running costs of facilities as well as building them, and the costs can be reduced by making sure that the facilties are efficiently. Sports facilities in schools should be available for community use when the schools are not in use.
I can’t assure you of anything at the moment, ianemm. Every Council service committee is looking at all options for saving money and most have had their first meeting to inform them of the suggestions that have been put forward by political groups, staff and members of the public. These options will now be costed and brought back to be prioritised. The Council has to save £21m next year and Community and Customer Services, responsible for Leisure and Sport, Libraries and Museums, amongst other things has to save £2m. Obviously, every effort will be made to maintain services but savings have to be made somewhere.
I sincerely hope not. The Scottish government wants to encourage people to be more active, and taking part in sport is one of these ways. However, the leisure and sport department will be asked to make cuts, like other council departments. What I would hope to see is these cuts being made in ways that don’t stop people using the facilities. For example, we could look at the number of managers we have, and see if we couldn’t reduce their numbers, or their hours, and so make savings.
I can’t give you that assurance unfortunately as it will be a matter for Dumfries and Galloway Council. The problem for the council is the running costs of facilities as well as building them, and the costs can be reduced by making sure that the facilties are efficiently. Sports facilities in schools should be available for community use when the schools are not in use.
I can’t assure you of anything at the moment, ianemm. Every Council service committee is looking at all options for saving money and most have had their first meeting to inform them of the suggestions that have been put forward by political groups, staff and members of the public. These options will now be costed and brought back to be prioritised. The Council has to save £21m next year and Community and Customer Services, responsible for Leisure and Sport, Libraries and Museums, amongst other things has to save £2m. Obviously, every effort will be made to maintain services but savings have to be made somewhere.
I sincerely hope not. The Scottish government wants to encourage people to be more active, and taking part in sport is one of these ways. However, the leisure and sport department will be asked to make cuts, like other council departments. What I would hope to see is these cuts being made in ways that don’t stop people using the facilities. For example, we could look at the number of managers we have, and see if we couldn’t reduce their numbers, or their hours, and so make savings.