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Dumfries and Galloway Council

Question: You all keep the good work up!!!!! xxx for you elaine

Asked by bigtattiemunchermunchycrunch to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted on 28 Sep 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Elaine MurrayElaine Murray answered on 27 Sep 2010:

    Thank you xx


  • Photo: Alastair WittsAlastair Witts answered on 27 Sep 2010:

    What good work would that be, then? I must have missed something. Please enlighten me!


  • Photo: Jane MaitlandJane Maitland answered on 28 Sep 2010:

    OK, will try to.

    Doesn’t it take you ages to type bigtattiemunchermunchycrunch everytime you need it?


  • Photo: Sandra McDowallSandra McDowall answered on 28 Sep 2010:

    Glad you have such a high opinion of us all. Have to admit to feeling slightly disappointed that the xxx are just for elaine, though!!!!



  • Photo: bigtattiemunchermunchycrunchbigtattiemunchermunchycrunch commented on 28 Sep 2010:

    Thats not my actual name jane


  • Photo: JaneJane commented on 28 Sep 2010:

    Well, strike a light, i’d never have guessed.

    I rather like it, but how often do you need to use it in full?


  • Photo: bigtattiemunchermunchycrunchbigtattiemunchermunchycrunch commented on 28 Sep 2010:

    i dont smoke either big yin. Every day situations such as ordering my lunch….


  • Photo: bigtattiemunchermunchycrunchbigtattiemunchermunchycrunch commented on 28 Sep 2010:

    Ali ….. the hard work im talking about starts with ELAINE and ends with MURRAY
