It didn’t when I taught for a while in Germany, where nobody wears school uniform. But some people would say it’s different here because we’ve had school uniforms for a long time, and if everyone wears school uniform the pupils with rich parents aren’t able to show off by wearing designer clothes, which they could do if there was no uniform. On the other hand, a headmaster in the Borders recently got into trouble by saying that some of the girls in his school were distracting others by wearing their skirts too short! I couldn’t comment on that! But if you were to ask me for my own opinion on uniforms, I would say that, having lived in a country where they don’t have uniforms, it didn’t have a bad effect on their learning. But there were some guidelines on things like shoes and jewellery, for example.
No, not directly. A problem in maths is a problem whatever top you are wearing. But, remember the big picture. A top school often uses something like uniform to create a feeling of belonging.
i support uniform for another reason – it saves bother or worry in the mornings.
Hi. Lauren. Both my children attended the DEHS, both had a good education and both went on to do what they wanted at university. I can remember all parents being asked if school uniform should be compulsory and the majority said that it shouldn’t be. My two did wear a uniform up to S3 but their education did not suffer when they stopped wearing it. There was a report on TV recently which looked at two schools, one uniform wearing, the other not and there was no difference in the exam results or in the confidence of the pupils interviewed. I think it is more important for a young person to feel happy and supported at school.
It didn’t when I taught for a while in Germany, where nobody wears school uniform. But some people would say it’s different here because we’ve had school uniforms for a long time, and if everyone wears school uniform the pupils with rich parents aren’t able to show off by wearing designer clothes, which they could do if there was no uniform. On the other hand, a headmaster in the Borders recently got into trouble by saying that some of the girls in his school were distracting others by wearing their skirts too short! I couldn’t comment on that! But if you were to ask me for my own opinion on uniforms, I would say that, having lived in a country where they don’t have uniforms, it didn’t have a bad effect on their learning. But there were some guidelines on things like shoes and jewellery, for example.
Would this be a trap?!
No, not directly. A problem in maths is a problem whatever top you are wearing. But, remember the big picture. A top school often uses something like uniform to create a feeling of belonging.
i support uniform for another reason – it saves bother or worry in the mornings.
Not really – I’ve never been a great fan of school uniform. I think school students should be encouraged to dress neatly and appropriately though
Hi. Lauren. Both my children attended the DEHS, both had a good education and both went on to do what they wanted at university. I can remember all parents being asked if school uniform should be compulsory and the majority said that it shouldn’t be. My two did wear a uniform up to S3 but their education did not suffer when they stopped wearing it. There was a report on TV recently which looked at two schools, one uniform wearing, the other not and there was no difference in the exam results or in the confidence of the pupils interviewed. I think it is more important for a young person to feel happy and supported at school.