Do you think the standards of facilities in Dumfries & Galloway are good enough or not? by armsliam to Alastair Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (No comments so far)
Have u ever been involved in crime and anti-social beahviour when u were a youth ? by gordonbroon to Alastair Category: Crime. Comments: (so far, 3 comments)
what primary school did you work at ? by beckymcguffie1 to Alastair Category: About. Comments: (So far, one comment)
do you feel that becoming a councillor after your retiring was the right choice for you and your family? by dab10 to Alastair Category: About. Comments: (No comments so far)
What are your views on the AV (Alternative Vote) referendum. I know it is used for council elections but would it work by billy to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: General. Comments: (Comments Off on What are your views on the AV (Alternative Vote) referendum. I know it is used for council elections but would it work)
Do you think that the image that the press creates for the Douglas Ewart is right? by sarah and 1 other. to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: General. Comments: (Comments Off on Do you think that the image that the press creates for the Douglas Ewart is right?)
What forms of crime are you currently targetting specifically in this area? by theo to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: Crime. Comments: (so far, 4 comments)
do you not think there should be more bus stops in local areas for young children and the erderly? by amber08 to Alastair Category: Transport. Comments: (So far, one comment)
how would you improve Dumfries so that their was more for young people to do? by jessicadougan10 to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on how would you improve Dumfries so that their was more for young people to do?)
what has been your hardest question being a councillor by jennalmoore to Alastair Category: About. Comments: (No comments so far)
Recent Comments
- as a teenager myself there is nothing to do or and shops and i usually drink every weekend becasue there is nothing to (1 comments)
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- How will the spending cuts affect tennagers and their parents? (1 comments)
- do you love the bevy (1 comments)
- Why did you become interested in politics (1 comments)
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