Why is EMA only available to people whos parents have low earnings? Shouldn’t it be available to everyone in full time by kerrin to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: Education. Comments: (Comments Off on Why is EMA only available to people whos parents have low earnings? Shouldn’t it be available to everyone in full time)
Although I like the EMA system, it does not take into account students whom have siblings currently at university, so by theo to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: Education. Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
Why does EMA not take into account the number of children in a household? Do you think EMA is fair?? Should it not be by sarah to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: Education. Comments: (Comments Off on Why does EMA not take into account the number of children in a household? Do you think EMA is fair?? Should it not be)
Whats your thoughts about current EMA status, shoudn’t all pupils in main stream school get allowances towards uni and by jessminda to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: Education. Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
What are your opinions on EMA? How can the Government justify rewarding some pupils for staying on at school but not by chris to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: Education. Comments: (Comments Off on What are your opinions on EMA? How can the Government justify rewarding some pupils for staying on at school but not)
Do you believe that Ed Miliband\’s recent appointment as Labour leader will change the direction of the party, take a by theo to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: General. Comments: (Comments Off on Do you believe that Ed Miliband\’s recent appointment as Labour leader will change the direction of the party, take a)
What is the point of the post of Scottish secretary? Is it not a waste of taxpayer’s money, we do have our own by billy to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: General. Comments: (Comments Off on What is the point of the post of Scottish secretary? Is it not a waste of taxpayer’s money, we do have our own)
I have noticed that most questions are answered according to party views. Is their a lot of party politics at the by billy to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: General. Comments: (so far, 6 comments)
What are your views on Peter Mandelson? Is he still a highly respected individual within the Labour ranks – is he by william to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: General. Comments: (Comments Off on What are your views on Peter Mandelson? Is he still a highly respected individual within the Labour ranks – is he)
As Elected Members, what do you think is the best way to get young people involved in politics? Also – what do you by william to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted Category: Youth issues. Comments: (Comments Off on As Elected Members, what do you think is the best way to get young people involved in politics? Also – what do you)
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