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- i wrote a poem for you elaine ……. its called ” sunset strip under the moonlight stars and wild berrys” here (1 comments)
- Is it true that the white bag calculation assumes that you can only fit two and a half white bags in a wheelie bin ( we (2 comments)
- Elaine if you win that money has to be mine.......... mine.............please (1 comments)
- ahhhhhh the final hurdle alastair........ Now you will feel the full wrath of elaine murray and her powers. May god (1 comments)
- I HATE! SEAGULLS! they are so annoying they steal food and are pests when you are sitting outside in say costa and they (2 comments)
- Are the Lib Dems going to survive the coalition? Will their support collapse; I personally think that Clegg has killed (1 Comment)
- What are you doing considering vegetarian and vegan meal options in schools?
- did you do well in school.?
- As We were in a concession, why did the government choose to build DG1 and are doing far too many things to the town,
- as a teenager myself there is nothing to do or and shops and i usually drink every weekend becasue there is nothing to (1 Comment)
- Who would you have chosen to be the leader of the Labour party? Do you like Ed MIliband bieing the leader?
- Hi Elaine, What do you like to do whilst you are not busy? From Hazel…
- Do you think Ed Miliband is the right person to steer Labour to victory in the next General Election?
- what made you want to be an MP?
- why do we have to pay for transport and not get it for free
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