Question: Is it true that the 'white bag' rubbish allowance for households without access to 'wheelie bins' does not take into account the rates banding of the property in question - in other words a single person living alone gets the same number of bin bags per year as the 12 people in our household?
Asked by evelangford1 to Elaine on 1 Oct 2010 in Categories: Transport.
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This is what it says on the Council’s website
“Supplied Council refuse sacks/Communal bins
Where a wheeled bin is considered inappropriate due to location such as terraced housing, flats and farms, the following alternative receptacles may be provided by Dumfries and Galloway Council:
2 Council supplied refuse sacks per week – Please contact your local services office for more information if you feel a wheeled bin is unsuitable for your location.”
So it looks as if every household is issued with 2 bags irrespective of size – which is odd, as larger households certainly used to be eligible for an extra bin – I’m not sure of that’s still the case