Question: When N-DUBZ came to Dumfries it was really good! Can you try to get more big popstars and pop groups to come and perform? It would encourage more tourists to the town!
Asked by natalie21 to Alastair, Elaine, Sandra, Ted on 29 Sep 2010 in Categories: Local Facilities. This question was also asked by scarlet16.
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I know – and I didn’t get to see them as I had something else to do, I don’t have much influence but if there is anything I can do to get more stars to come here I’ll do it
I think that DGOne should be encouraged to include something for everyone in their programnme. I don’t know how often groups that appeal to a younger audience are booked but I think you’ve made a suggestion that is well worth looking into.
I suppose I could look at the budget and see, but no promises! Calvin Harris was once in my class when I was a primary school teacher, but i don’t think I could order him to come and perform here!