I think that would have to be opening the refurbished County Buildings in Wigtown. The Council had allowed it to become almost derelict and its renovation meant so much to all the residents of the town. As part of the Book Town initiative, a funding package had been agreed with the Council and other partners and the Heritage Lottery fund awarded us £1m to renovate the building and provide grants for other properties in the town. It was a real celebration when the building was reopened and it has been used for many book related and community events ever since.
That’s hard. But I think the most enjoyable thing was when I got a street named after the famous ancestor of an old lady. He was Sir John Richardson, famous doctor, Arctic explorer, and naturalist. He was born in Dumfries, but there was no street named after him. It was great to see the pleasure on the old lady’s face when I told her what I’d done.
Best individual thing was helping a man in debt. For him it all seemed huge and untackle-able. I did not directly do anything, because I don’t think that would have helped in the long run, but I supported him to take decisions and steps for himself with DAGCAS (dumfries and Galloway citizens advice service).
Best big thing .Look ahead, do the right thing for a whole community even though it may be unpopular with a number of people at the time because they are individually hurt.
The example is the new primary school in Kirkcudbright. We got there in the end, and most think it was the right thing to do.
That took ages to achieve, lots of blood on the carpet, political rows etc, and I think I had to be quite clear about what I was doing in order to lead the town and keep the peace. We got there, and I am most proud of the fact that the two school communities now act as one.
That’s a difficult one – helping my constituents and representing the area – its difficult to single out one thing as being the best
I think that would have to be opening the refurbished County Buildings in Wigtown. The Council had allowed it to become almost derelict and its renovation meant so much to all the residents of the town. As part of the Book Town initiative, a funding package had been agreed with the Council and other partners and the Heritage Lottery fund awarded us £1m to renovate the building and provide grants for other properties in the town. It was a real celebration when the building was reopened and it has been used for many book related and community events ever since.
That’s hard. But I think the most enjoyable thing was when I got a street named after the famous ancestor of an old lady. He was Sir John Richardson, famous doctor, Arctic explorer, and naturalist. He was born in Dumfries, but there was no street named after him. It was great to see the pleasure on the old lady’s face when I told her what I’d done.
Best individual thing was helping a man in debt. For him it all seemed huge and untackle-able. I did not directly do anything, because I don’t think that would have helped in the long run, but I supported him to take decisions and steps for himself with DAGCAS (dumfries and Galloway citizens advice service).
Best big thing .Look ahead, do the right thing for a whole community even though it may be unpopular with a number of people at the time because they are individually hurt.
The example is the new primary school in Kirkcudbright. We got there in the end, and most think it was the right thing to do.
That took ages to achieve, lots of blood on the carpet, political rows etc, and I think I had to be quite clear about what I was doing in order to lead the town and keep the peace. We got there, and I am most proud of the fact that the two school communities now act as one.