Question: What are your opinions on EMA? How can the Government justify rewarding some pupils for staying on at school but not others who are staying on because they want to be there, not just for the money.
Asked by chris to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted on 28 Sep 2010 in Categories: Education.
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The EMA was intended to help school students whose families were less well off to stay at school, its not large enough to be a bribe
I understand that EMA is for students whose families have a low income, and so I think it is right that these people should get some extra help. It’s better that these students should be at school, and hopefully learning more and so improving their chances of getting a job later. I know it might seem unfair for students whose parents have a higher income and so they are not entitled to EMA, but any decent parent who can afford it would want to help their sons and daughters if they wanted to stay on at school. My children are now grown up (the youngest is now 26) and when they were teenagers there was no such thing as EMA, and we probably wouldn’t have got it, though we did without a lot of things to ensure that they could stay on at school. That’s what parents should do for their children!
The money is not a reward, it’s to help support those from poorer families. They deserve the chance to stay on and improve their life chances.