Question: Do you think the voting age should be reduced to 16? If not, do you think that 16 year olds in employment should stop paying tax until they can decide where it is spent?
Yes, I think 16 year olds should be able to vote. All I’d like to add is that being able to cast a vote is a very special privilege and I would urge you not to become complacent but to use your vote.
It’s SNP policy to have the voting age lowered to 16. I don’t see that as a problem. Many 16 year olds are as sensible as many 60 year olds, though of course you can get some daft people in both of these age groups. Just remember to vote for me, William! (Only kidding, make up your own mind)
Yes I do – 16 year olds can work and pay taxes and should be entitled to decide how those are spent
Yes, I think 16 year olds should be able to vote. All I’d like to add is that being able to cast a vote is a very special privilege and I would urge you not to become complacent but to use your vote.
It’s SNP policy to have the voting age lowered to 16. I don’t see that as a problem. Many 16 year olds are as sensible as many 60 year olds, though of course you can get some daft people in both of these age groups. Just remember to vote for me, William! (Only kidding, make up your own mind)
Yes, I do think that the voting age should be reduced to 16. I have voted on this topic in Council.