Question: Is the wage a councillor earns enough to make a living? I know Elaine will have a large salary, being an MSP but for people who are just Councillors, are they able to support themselves financially?
Asked by billy
to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted on 27 Sep 2010 in Categories: About.
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Many councillors have other jobs as well as being a councillor so they have another wage coming in. It would be difficult to live on a councillors wage alone unless you had a partner who was earning, or another income such as a pension
The basic wage of a councillor is £15 000 per year, though some earn more- committee chairmen, etc. We also get travel allowance- 40p per mile if you take your own car. So you can work out for yourself if you could live off that.
Every Councillor gets a basic salary and a certain number of senior Councillors get a responsibility allowance which takes them to over £20,000. We also get a travel allowance of 40p per mile if we use our own car. It would be difficult to keep a family on the basic salary which is why some Councillors have another job.