Question: how would you improve Dumfries so that their was more for young people to do?
Asked by jessicadougan10 to Alastair, Elaine, Jane, Sandra, Ted on 27 Sep 2010 in Categories: Local Facilities.
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Jessica, we need to find out what young people would like to have available for them and see how that might be achieved. However we do need to be realistic, Dumfries is a fairly small town and it won’t be possible to provide the range of activities that large cities like Edinburgh and Glasgow can provide.
Looking at Dumfries with my rural eyes, it always seems to me that there is a lot for you to do. You have great sports facilities, the recently opened DGOne, the refurbished Ice Bowl, a cinema, Oasis, etc.
I always turn the question back on young people and ask, ‘What is it that you think is missing from Dumfries, and what do you want to do? Until I know what you want, I can’t really read your minds!