Question: Have u ever been involved in crime and anti-social beahviour when u were a youth ?
Asked by gordonbroon to Alastair on 27 Sep 2010 in Categories: Crime.
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Asked by gordonbroon to Alastair on 27 Sep 2010 in Categories: Crime.
copyright and produced by gallomanor communications ltd 2025
No, amazingly, though I was often bad-tempered and fell out with people. Elsewhere in my profile I said that once a group of us in 5th or 6th year refused to pay for our bus fares because we felt that we were entitled to use our bus passes, but the conductor (they had conductors and as well as drivers in these days) thought we should. We had been dropped off at the sports field about two miles from the school and were heading back along the same way and on the same route we usually took, just starting a bit further along the route. We were all very annoyed when the Head Teacher didn’t back us up, so we just stopped going to sports after that. I don’t think this was criminal or anti-social, but it certainly was civil disobedience!
PS Gordon, you’re not related to the former Prime Minister, are you?